US-Backed Syrian Rebels Now Trained by KLA Terrorists

SYRIAN OPPOSITION LEARNS TERROR TACTICS FROM KOSOVO ALBANIANS: US-Backed Syrian Rebels Now Trained by Kosovo’s and America’s KLA Terrorists

Posted by Julia Gorin

I had recently called attention to the fact that Libyan and Syrian rebels were looking to the “former” rebels constituting today’s KLA government of Kosovo for guidance on post-war Christian-less peace. I wrote that, when a delegation from Tripoli visited Pristina last month because “Kosovo’s post-conflict transition process could serve as a useful model for Libya” and because it wanted to “learn about Kosovo’s experience in reintegrating [KLA fighters],” what they really wanted to know was how Albanians managed to get terrorists legitimized and weaponized by the West.

The Libyans also wanted to learn from Albanians “what [they] did first after the end of the war… and how…the amnesty and disarmament processes went.” I explained that what the Albanians did first was ethnically cleanse every town and village of its non-Albanian populations and of any Albanian opposition, with NATO’s help. As for disarmament, there was none. Unless you’re talking about disarming the already sitting Serbian ducks. And as for amnesty for the Albanian “fighters,” evidently what was meant by that was wholesale immunity for Christian-killing that continued well beyond the “end” of the war, and to this day. (Type in “Kosovo” and “climate of impunity” and find any number of international reports on the matter including by HRW and Amnesty.)

Then came Syria’s turn:

Syrian opposition studies terror tactics in Kosovo (Russia Today, May 4)

A delegation of Syrian rebels has made a deal with Pristina authorities to exchange experience on partisan warfare. The Syrian opposition is sending militants to Kosovo for adopting tactics and being trained to oust President Bashar Assad’s regime.

On April 26, a delegation of Syrian opposition members made a stop in Pristina on their way from the US to hold talks on how to make use of the experience of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in Syria, reports the Associated Press.

So far, a poorly-organized Syrian opposition has proven unable to self-organize and form a steady front against the forces of President Assad.

Terror tactics used by militants allow them to kill military and governmental officials, but do not help to hold positions against a regular army.

“We come here to learn. Kosovo has walked this path and has an experience that would be very useful for us,” says the head of the Syrian delegation Ammar Abdulhamid, a Syrian-born human rights activist and dissident. “In particular, we’d like to know how scattered armed groups were finally organized into the KLA.”

Syrian opposition leaders have promised to immediately recognize Kosovo once they seize power in the country.

… The training camp on the Albanian-Kosovo border that has welcomed Syrian attendees was originally organized by the US to help the KLA train its fighters.

That is, the U.S.-sponsored terror-training camps are still active in Kosovo. (On a related note, each KLA brigade had a well-guarded Arabic mujahed officer installed by the American company Military Professional Resources Inc. See also: “KLA terrorists were transported into the battlefield by NATO helicopters…NATO instructors were training as many as 10,000 KLA terrorists at camps in Albania and Turkey…In addition to using civilian homes and places of worship as firing positions, the KLA’s members would often remove their uniforms and intermingle themselves among real civilians.”) Continuing with the current Syria-Kosovo article:

The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was considered a terrorist organization by the US, the UK and France for years until, in 1998, it was taken off the list of terrorists with no explanation given. The KLA used to have up to 10 per cent of underage fighters in its ranks.

There were numerous reports of the KLA having contacts with Al-Qaeda, getting arms from that terrorist organization, getting its militants trained in Al-Qaeda camps in Pakistan and even having members of Al-Qaeda in its ranks fighting against Serbs.

In 1998-1999 Kosovo separatists started an armed conflict with Belgrade to split the Kosovo region from Serbia. The war in the region was marked with mass atrocities and executions of the civilian population [the “mass” part of that being by the KLA]. Most of the Serbs that used to live in Kosovo became refugees.

The same horrors that were witnessed during the war in Kosovo are now apparently being prepared for the multi-confessional Syrian population by Islamist Syrian Liberation Army trained in Muslim Kosovo in the middle of Europe.

The Syrian Liberation Army group that actually formed the delegation to Kosovo has been fighting with the Syrian government for over a year now. This stand-off has claimed well over 9,000 lives, about half of them Syrian servicemen, law enforcers and officials.

Lately, the militants have been squeezed out of the Syrian cities and their positions along the Syrian-Turkish border. Being unable to turn the tide independently, the Syrian Liberation Army has been addressing to its foreign sponsors to start a military intervention into Syria to topple President Bashar Assad. [Again, echoes of Kosovo.]


Russia concerned at Kosovo ‘Syrian militant training’ reports

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3 Responses to US-Backed Syrian Rebels Now Trained by KLA Terrorists

  1. Pingback: Clinton accuses Russia of delivering attack helicopters to Syrian regime - Page 21

  2. Anaconda says:

    this is bullshit

  3. Pingback: Did the U.S. “Inadvertently” Train Mohammad Abdulazeez During his Trip to Jordan? | theflyingcameldotorg

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