McCain: Libyan rebels are “my heroes”

Al-Qaida gets hands on Libyan weapons

BRUSSELS, Sept. 6 (UPI) — The North African branch of al-Qaida managed to get a hold of surface-to-air missiles during the Libyan war, a European terrorism official said.

Gilles de Kerchove, the top counter-terrorism official with the European Union, said from Brussels that al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb may have acquired a significant stockpile of weapons during the Libyan war.

AQIM, he was quoted by London’s Daily Telegraph newspaper as saying, had “gained access to weapons, either small arms or machine-guns, or certain surface-to-air missiles which are extremely dangerous because they pose a risk to flights over the territory.”


McCain: Libyan rebels are “my heroes” – CBS News

Apr 22, 2011 – McCain: Libyan rebels are “my heroes John McCain, one of the strongest proponents in Congress of the American military intervention in Libya.

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